How can I use programs like Pine? (ssh instructions)

First, you need to acquire an ssh client. A list can be found here.

After you have installed and configured an ssh client, use it to connect to You should then be presented with a window filled with text.

Text, you say? What a curious thing. Anyway, the text that appears after you connect ("log in") consists of the Message Of The Day ("MOTD"), which is usually a paragraph or two talking about what's new on After that is a random quote generated by the "fortune" program. And finally, you're left with what is known as a shell prompt, which probably looks like this:


You can enter commands at this prompt. For instance, you can type "fortune" without the quotes, and it will display one, like so:

> fortune
        1. n.; Equipment or program that fails, usually
intermittently.  2. adj.:  Failing hardware or software.  "This
bagbiting system won't let me get out of spacewar."  Usage:  verges on
obscenity.  Grammatically separable; one may speak of "biting the

There are other (thousands) of commands that you can enter there, to do lots and lots of things, such as chat in real-time, play games, browse and make webpages, see who else is connected to and what they're up to, connect to other systems, download, create, extract, compile, or run programs - the possibilities are truly endless.

Most people use that prompt to check their mail. The two most popular mail programs on are Pine and Mutt.

Summaries for Pine and Mutt:

Pine is an easy-to-use mail program that is installed on It has context-sensitive help - if you press the help key when on a certain screen or while being asked a question, it will give you help for that screen or for that question. It is very intuitive and great for beginners. It is run by logging in and typing "pine" without the quotes. However, it is poorly written and has numerous security holes and bugs.

Mutt is a harder-to-use but much more secure mail program. If you like vi, you'll love Mutt. Its helpfile is just that - one big file. Once you get used to it, it's great. It's more customizable than Pine; it is also a bit rougher around the edges ("buggy"). Suggestions for improving the default configuration are always welcome. This mail reader is recommended for those who have to deal with large amounts of mail, and those who may find themselves under attack (like people who irc from It is run by typing "mutt".

This is a work in progress.

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