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The YIP Guide to Llamas

by Finn

Welcome to the fascinating world of Llamas. If you are thinking of acquiring your first Llama, you are joining a rapidly growing group of enthusiasts, including God, Satan, Zeus and Buddha.

Care and Feeding

Llamas are beautiful, intelligent, well mannered and clean with no odour. Their calm, easy disposition makes them easy to make friends and share lifelong companionship with. Llamas take care of themselves. You won't need to do anything. The will eat anything you want them to, and like it. Or they won't eat anything, and still like it. Llamas retract dirt and odour.


Llamas reproduce at will and are born fully-grown (and yet cute as a baby), no fuss, no muss.

Historical Background

Llamas have chummed around with such greats as Hammourabi, Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Jesus Christ and Socrates and are said to be the brains behind all great achievements of mankind.


Llamas can be sold on the open market for up to and above an infinite amount of money. They are great conversationalists, and have the ability to see all, change form at will, and transport itself, and up to three riders to any point in the space/time continum.

Pogo Sticks

See: Pogo Sticks

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