YIP Index

Whittling in A Minor

by Milky Puppy

"So, besides France...." said Ibenshire.

"I don't like the way you deliberately exclude France from all our discussions," said Lafish.

"What the HELL is that supposed to mean?" asked Ibe.

"Well... I mean, France is a legitimate country. I just dislike the way that you begin every conversation by excluding France."


"Er.. um. Listen.. uh, well. Okay. There is something I need to tell you."

"Go on." Ibe prompted, cautiously.

"Well.. uh.. you know dolphins?" Lafish asked feebly. He was obviously very nervous, for his spine wiggled most intensely.

"Sure. Those mini whales."

"SHUT UP! I'm sorry. Anyhow, I am one."

"Surprising," Ibe said bluntly.



Ibenshire walked over to the lava pit and jumped in. "Ow ow," he screamed sarcastically. "Oh please help me out, its so hot in here."

"Shut up. Seriously. I'm beginning to feel bad."

Just then, Ibenshire died.

Oddly, so did Lafish.

Perhaps there was poison gas in the air. Or maybe there was nuclear war. Maybe the coffin ran out of air. Who knows. Fuck off.

                        T h e   B l a t a n t   E n d

YIP Index