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This is the first installation of........
      The Professional
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These are the words created by Myself and Milky Puppy And the FINN which are most commonly used in babble....

Spouse - Any female of ANY description

Rawdweezlebak - a person of little intelligence

Teething - to complain Teething beaver - a person who complains often

doobee - a homosexual

FUNKY - a good word, refers to something you like eg funky spouse!

donut - a person you don't like

flagball - a lunatic, carzy or insane, derives from flag and ball

pastry - drugs

quabble - (k-wabb-l) to argue, not fight, just argue

puppie - the human brain

nogwhip - simple, appealing, pleasant

disgroggle - to screw up or re-arrange

alpurge - an article of clothing, eg. his alperges were disgroggled

grosm - (gr-u-zm) the face eg. this spouse had the most nogwhip lookin' grosm I'd ever mandated!

mandate - to look at.

kwishle - a dumb sport with two eggs and a lamma.

spolack - (sp-o-lak) beautiful

bricks - pressure Wild thing - any bodily function carried out in a bathroom

spackle - to bleed

pilfer - to smell, a smell, eg. this spouse had this spolack pilfer!

shmukaloo - (shmuck-a-loo) short form=shmuckle means=to laugh

kook - a knife

dissin' - to anger another

tuba - a belgian police officer

blander - to kill

spiff - something you like

debutant - (deb-u-tont) difficult or hard

tres - need I tell you...ok very(for you non-frogs!)

tree - a tree, what are you, some kinda disgroggled flagball!!!???

cellular - (sell-u-ler) easy

whippin' - preceeds funky or such words eg. This flagball guy pulls out a whippin' funky pickle, then BLANDERS THE GUY!!!

- can also preceed any noun(object person)

piggus - (pig-is) an insult, eg. You are a piggus, snortable tree!

snortable - rude, arrogant, stuck-up

grass - green, grows in earth, you might have seen some!!

grandpa - a baby

smulger - a person of authority

snorkle - to sleep

coque' - (koo-kay) An ancient form of martial arts

Shmorgesborg - the present continent of yurip (europe)

smute - a strange substance cast don by the pomplemoose

POMPLEMOUSE - OUR LORD!!!!!!! avec l'r - to worship

puce - like smute, but synthetic

applebags - americans applefag doobee - a san fransician beer-bellied wombat - insult the bible - something to burn

Now on to something quite out of the ordinary, no not a cow, the catch phrases of babble and their purposes as they pertain to the life-span of your average mongolian brain-child.

---=> Babble's many...many CATCH PHRASES <=---

Well...I'm gonna have to say goodnight so... : expressing disapointment

snorkle the big one : to sleep heavily

Spokane style : in a manner as to kill one's self

pass me that lamma : style of requesting that a lamma be passed

Bo Didley! : expressing great exitement

hubba hubba : oh damn!

wissout ze age : the quality of youngness

to sand one's spouse : to do it......blush blash, chuckle fear.

hou : the al 'roun' action werd.

fax me a yak : requesting that one fax another a yak of some description

yak me a fax : figure it out yerself you flagball.

zany francais : a variety of babble, consisting mainly of FRANCH!

can I chew your puppie? : enquiring as to whether you may:

chu - at leat 32 times repeatedly in the sun.

spokanic - a warning on label on smute and puce boxes

---=> BABBLE PEOPLE and their pts <=---

These are the men and women of the u.s.s enterprise....wel...not really, but we all have dreams.......... This is actually a list of commonly babling humans : (mostly taken from delta beaver squid mythology)

barbara satan - interviewer
e' the babbler - a proffessional babbler
zach fantom - someone you'd lick.

valdy - driver of the exxon valdez
pogo wharez - an annoying BBS user

and here are the commonly used babble animals(in complete order):

wombats, mongeese, penguins, cows, chiens, fish, squid, yaks, llama's.

and now onto the hardest part of any lingo (septin acours babl),


NUMBERS IN BABBLE ARE PERHAPS A LITTLE TOO EASY. there are only 13 ( not that 13 is a number):

oh no

memorize it and you will excel in every field. ( and pasture).

YIP Index