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The Test

by Milky

Mr. and Mrs. Keck sat across the auditorium from their 2-year-old daughter Bloa. Bloa sat naked on a blue cushion in the middle of the auditorium, looking quite confused.

With a thunderous crackle quite reminiscent of the Big Bang, the doors at the far end of the auditorium opened and in walked 7 judges dressed in black robes. They sat themselves in the judges' box, and began to scribble notes on their clipboards. Mr. Keck smiled at them, but received only a cold glare in response.

A judge pushed a button and some green cloth appeared across the auditorium beside Bloa. Bloa was startled, but then picked up the cloth and waved it about. The judges "tch tch"d this and nodded their heads disdainfully as they scribbled away on their clipboards. One offered the Kecks a pitying look.

Another button was pushed and a jug filled with flour appeared beside Bloa. The little girl pushed the jug, spilling the flour all over the cushion. Several of the judges sighed. Bloa began to crawl about in the flour. One of the judges was heard to murmur, "oh COME ON." Bloa then took a handful of the flour and dumped it over her own head. There was some booing, and some surpressed gagging. Someone threw a rock. The little girl picked up the rock and began to bite at it. The judges now hopped out of their box and quickly ran over and began kicking the little girl as they shouted angry curses. Mr. and Mrs. Keck exchanged nervous glances.


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