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The Tea Party - A Short Novel

By Milky Puppy & Finn

Miss Janet sat gently on the purple couch and stared across the small coffee table at a swath of carpet which Miss Francis was displaying for her. It was a a grey carpet, quite a dark grey really, but neither lady minded at all.

"I'm thinking this would do well for the dining room," Miss Francis said.

"No, I prefer the lighter grey."

"Yes, I agree completely," she said.

"Would you like some tea?" asked Miss Janet.

"Why, yes dear, of course. This IS a tea party, after all." Both women laughed politely, yet heartily.

"Oh, dear. Oh my, quite the sense of humour you have there."

"Thank you. I got it from my mother's side of the family."




They lapsed into silence while Miss Janet poured the tea.

"Say when."

Miss Francis stared off into space for a few seconds. Miss Janet noticed her lack of attention, but was too couth to point it out. She would have stopped, but she had already asked for instructions as to how much to put into the cup. It would be rude. So, she allowed the flow of tea to continue until it was dangerously close to the rim.

"Oh!" said Miss Francis.

"No, no, it was my fault, deary."


"Oh, no need. No need."

"It's just that I've been having such a rough time choosing wallpaper patterns and such that...."

"That's OK, deary. I understand completely."

"Oh, it's so nice, having a friend like you." At that, the two ladies hugged. They parted and sighed deeply.

Miss Janet brought out the sugar bowl.

"One lump or two?"


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