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by Turin Turambar

today i met a shadow and that shadow said to me come on let us play and so i went to play with the shadow and its shadow friends and we tossed around an apple the skin of which kept showing bits of film noir and i lost myself in one of those clips coulda been a hitchcock but i think it was bergman and there were all these shadow people bemoaning their loss of creativity and love and stuff and such but the thing that really got me was this old guy who lived alone in a lighthouse out on the fjords - musta been a bergman or some other euroscandinavian nihilist - and he just sat and sat and watched all the people in the market bemoaning their loss of creativity and love and stuff and such so that eventually his skin went all grey and and he just became part of this old lighthouse and his soul so to speak was just this long thick beam of light in the darkness that kept ships from smashing themselves up on the rocks and i gather that this made him pretty much the only useful and happy person in the whole shadowy world.

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