YIP Index

A Sentance

By Nicotine

jail hamburgers, lettuce batteries, rectum pacifiers, suspicious paper, penis nikes, bathroom laundromats, novelty foreheads, happiness spoonfuls, garbage telescopes, inverted telephones, florescent shake'n'sip quick sand, boo berry delivery trucks, viscous rocking chairs, moonlight tanning lotion, terrace jumping tools, slave whipping cream, incandescant querty keyboards, velvet highways, monthly potato, television hairdresser, bothersome halitosis, muscular possums, backyard chorus singers, contact c overdose, explosive waking, tender stares, fabled outer garments, gyroscopic craniums, bleeding orange juice, californian chalk festival, particle motion pictures, kellog's crusts in a box, screaming mothers chasing killer squirrels, cribbage in the garage, putrid flowers, calf roundups, incorrect application of toothpaste in the institute, morning shows that put you to sleep, frozen meatpies, delapilated grass blades, long lists like this, extensive damages to diamond membranes, daisy nostril pleasing, bitches in tight skirts, lacerated limbs, portable air, smiling caretakers, leather snatch, fermaldahyde massacre, calculated death, zygotes in action, bedeviled porn stars, incorrect use of commas, velcro dong, shining pointed fingers, dead things, damaged pastries, bookshop fires, be nice, word up, used condoms, towel hairdo's , chop and dicing rocks, avacodo glazed face, eating kraft dinner without utensils, lost minds, trains that don't run, jumping airplanes for fun, finding the meaning of this list, solving the caramel secret, blah, blah, blah. Incoherent watermelons, blueberry tea stains, tapping dixie beats, blackening sunlight dishwasher detergent, foul smells, revolving stationary, blasting Norma the bag next door, possible fluctuation, pound cake, fish races, insignificant matter on the doorstep, positrons reflected by gamma rays inside the milk container in the fridge, moldy stones on the beach, word, ugly pet food, fools incognito, arsenic - the meaning of pain, swallowing gumballs whole, lost cash in the depths of pocket lint, bellybutton cheese, soup de annual, hubba bubba commercials, typing words containing the letter U, chewing the fat, microwaving Fifi, s s s s sleeping in chemical waste, staring chili, fortune magazine after eight o'clock, reading non-digital watches, living for dying, kids that ask why, drowning philosophers, elderlies doing backflips for the Guinness world book of records, challenging your maker, blowfishes in the window, yelling with larengitis, explicit definitions of obvious words, healing the counter top, filling your brother's cut with PolyFill, spatulas to the forehead, unicorn acid, slicing important salami for an interesting lifestyle, waving good-bye to assholes you don't know, (mat you are really fucked up), people typing on my keyboard, New kids on the block, garden hoses wrapped around the barbeque, laser optics to cure insomniacs, chilling out in the cafeteria, bug stains on the hood of my car, licking snowballs that are yellowish, skating on thin ice, cliches minus the fucking accent, reminders on the those yellow sticky paper, chopping green peppers in the dark, ripping eyelashes out of penguins, popping zits in the mirror, the underuse of the word myrad, deciding other peoples fates, playing marbles when you know you're going to win, plastic replicas of forceable confinement, YES X 3, eating yogurt after the best before date has expired, riding a skateboard on your knees, cool man, cars that look like bubbles, chicks that belive that Elvis is a bus-boy at St. Huberts, lighting gas on fire when its still in the tank, non-good formulas etched into my brain by use of various teaching methods, & gubble. Crackling fires on my tongue, prostitutes passing around flyers downtown, lambada dancing with a paper bag from the liquor store, boozing it up with the t.v. and it goes under first, weiners are god, more of it and that, end? Not yet, intercontinental flights on your nike air Jordans, homeshow junkies, cracking ribs with meat tenderizers, Steves catatonic orange, handcuffed forearms to the guardrail on the 401, eggplants in the wok, lint balls from the midsection, spaz on the loose, chin in the ditch, unga bunga, shoelaces that complain when they get wet, soap in the eye, toothbrushes to scrub, scrub is such a nasty word, parties by invitation only, xenon gas tubes, caffine overdose, blah some more, checking checkered checks on the chesterfield, justifying a fart, changing clocks an hour ahead, vw pilein's, graphic violence exploited on Y tv, Seasame Street characters in the nude, Rob Lowe on Seasame Street, Easy off huffing in the oven, blank minds, swirling mist on main, driving with highbeams, Kung-Fu mishaps, off beat wonders, curse words : shit, fuck, asshole, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, bile, pile of poo poo, chair. Stool sample dancing, asterisk in the face.....(*), Norman and the paisties, waking up with cold Jello on the face, dead pets to kick around, Kiefer douche, Sheba tea cozy, mornings with the 400 club, be nice, window shopping in the red light district, hah die directed to you, binder snatchers, p p p p urses in p p p otato salad, service born in the landromat, paying ten bucks for a can of coke, bathroom lineups, I love junk mail, somersaults in the spring time on top of the brock west dump, why the fuck do they call it somer saults? fridge nasties, prune eating contests, moo in person, yesterday and the day after, heads in the drywall, pumpkin talk shows on city, get get get get busy, shut-up push it, mine - what the fuck?, country and western headbangers, formula 1 in the supercentre plaza parking lot, forcing a carriage return, Jon wuvs da New Kiddies, blasphemous chair squeaks, ear rubbing against brick walls in the winter time without the aid of a hat, throat oysters on da side of the walk, formulating a reason for life, chilling with Mr. Robb at the Cabolaro, challenging muffy the cat to a duel and losing, bitch counting in the subway station, one finger wave to cops, nice people running around eating pancakes, The pilsbury dough boy is the son of BonHomme who in turn is the son of Jon Howes, Worship of mat every day at 12, singing street signs with sine waves, dual purpose fruit at the market, chunky monkeys, vivacious turnips that bite back, strangely normal, infectious manners, calorie counting is number 2 after pilaging q-tips from the garden, depression personified, monster mallows, kids that yell for Zelda, and swallowing chewing tobbaco for enjoyment only, oh we're going backwards, scraping dead paint for the rabbit in the back, choice air conditioners, beat boxing in McDonalds on Sat night, Oooing and Ahhhing over the impressive achievements of the Incas, tailor made socks, jeans with little roadrunner shits on the back pocket, strawberry shortcake cooking oven : power source 1 sixty watt lightbulb, I like traffic lights sung 20 to the 3rd power times, pi recitals on thursday evenings, redundant mortuaries, bedtimes, kids that think they are fucking cool when they spell Mississippi, chew on this homeboy na na na na na, uhgtrypajnberf,using 4 in place of four, addicted to the air, kill , mostly strange cherry flying converse directed to the headbone ready for destruction of the planet roundhouse kick, chewawa busting, damn you, puppet pants, guys that walk around with their eyes open, next kay? Moving at the speed of two lights, rahhh! borrowed outhouses, vans in the making , lulu is such a sweet name, commando bunnies from hell, tisk tisk, gently busting a move , ankle carressing is super sensuous, anchovie massacre, greasy face in butter tart yellow is a subtle way to absorb ultraviolet rays during the summer months, she's only seventeen (months) - she'll show you baby pablum in flavours you've never seen !, pump shoes = elevation of 420 feet, shoes are rated by Jon Howes - sole pressure 2500 psi, Jon howes - the failure of Oxy clean, wooly sheep hitch hiking along altona road during full moons, nasty habits , possible gunnery towards to Phil, playing with lots of kittens in a leather bag against a brick wall, flowering teakettles, wrist sauce, reindeer raid, boisterous waterslides, chop and dice weapon a.k.a. the knife, testing testing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 etc, habitual beating every Wednesday after the news at six, plastercene makeovers, total cereal is a device of the Anti-Christ, magical hangovers, yesterday cannot be better than Friday unless yesterday was Friday, toothless grins, YOU'RE A LIAR LIAR LIAR LIES! START TROUBLE, SPREAD PAIN, PISS AND VENOM IN YOUR VEINS, TALK NASTY, BREATH FIRE, SMELL ROTTEN, YOU'RE A LIAR, SWEAT LIQUOR, BREATH SNOT, EAT GARBAGE, SPIT BLOOD, DISEASED, HEALTH HAZARD, SCUM BAG, FILTHY BASTARD, GREASY FACE, TEETH DECAY, HAIR MATTED, DRUNK ALL DAY, ABSESSED, SUNKEN VEINS, ROT GUT, SCRAMBLED BRAIN, STEAL MONEY, CRASH CARS, ROB JEWELLERY, HOCK GUITARS, ROT IN HELL, ITS TIME YOU KNOW, OFF TO YOUR MASTER, OFF YOU GO! YOU'RE A LIAR, YOU FUCKING LIAR!! Jello snorting under the kitchen table, coke classic vs. pepsi, novelty rusted guilotines on sale at Eatons, wash your toe, eat your probuscus, pick at your belly button, and then you'll be cool, Hey mikey..... be one of us, everyday is Halloween, ovulatory gas combustion engines - they only work once every 28 days, lasting gangrenous tumour infesting on the juicy part of the loops of grey matter, jugular vein cutting was found not to be a favourite hobby, and because of its obvious side effects not too many people try this more than once, backflip karate, meltdown , forced breath, limbo sex, vinegar on the rocks please, cherish the rabbit, the breath of the morning halitosis, liver wish, shit wiggle, victorious catepillars, tree bark from the orient, on the television if you're not sure, porky and minnie together at last, giggle at the sound of the beep, toaster goblins, relief derived from the use of a cold porcelin cans, painful tracing paper, typographical perfection executed in the creation of this file, bobula tormention, what is this?, yip yip yip = 3(yip), lovely killer doves with beautiful singing voices, chickadee hookers, an anonomous phone call from a guy called Jim, candid moments with my velveta process cheese slices and tapioca pudding, ferrari lawnmowers competing with John deere sports coupe v12 dohc 500hp gt car with optional plough, soil cultivator and hay bailer. Under nourished zimbawean yuppies, boiling zuccini in cherry sherry for the dogs consumption, lead pipe to the face!, running to the shadows for simultaneous interaction with the darkness, western-action-music video-musical-drama-porno-horror-childrens- educational-instructional movie about some guy who falls in love with the lone ranger, who is involved in a superfluous love triangle with werewolf man who sing and dance the night away in the james bond sets to the funky beats of raffi and sharon, lois, and brahm which is spotted with censor dots during the instructional baking segment of the movie. Chopping his index finger with ease the guy on the HOLY-SHARP-KNIFE commercial displays the beautiful cutting job that his product produces. Helium dancers racing a cannabulistic tribe on tricycles is a great family visting area for those looking for a place to go when you are nearing the end of your life. Chill and serve anacin tablets, cashing in on suicidal children and selling nooses in their buster brown shoes, killing blind grandmothers with nitro glycerine on their tapping canes.

YIP Index