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"Deep in the posie mines of Saturn lies an evil beast. It is black and white and occaisionally grey. It kills people," said Grandma.

Suddenly, the shuttle went far off course. A large gravitational thingy took their vectors way out of course. The shuttle rocketed past the moon, past Mars, past Jupiter, and burrowed the ship deep into the core of Saturn.

"We're obviously in the posie mines of Saturn," said Grandma.

"How ironic," remarked Grandpa.

They climbed out of the shuttle and onto the cold rock floor of the posie mines. The roamed around for a few hours without dying.

"I don't see any posie," complained Grandpa.

"I suppose they mined it all out," replied Grandma knowingly.

Just then, a large black and white and occaisionally grey beast came around a perfectly innocent looking corner. Its eyes were this really sarcastic shade of green, giving it a very bitter appearance.

"Gosh," said Grandpa.

"More like fuck," mentioned Grandma.

"Okay, fuck then."


They stood still and faced the thing and tried to look intimidating. The thing then left and went skipping down the tunnel.

"That was close," said one of them, who cares which one.

"Yeah," replied the other.

They wandered until they found an escaltor, then they had sex on it.

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