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Roof Pride

by STiK and Milky

Our roof had always been a source of joy for our family. We'd have company over and we'd always make subtle comments like "yep, that roof" and then my husband would chime in "pretty darn solid" and the kids would start singing a cute little song about our roof and how fine it was. We loved it when company came over and it was raining, cause then we could constantly notice how dry everything was and thank "you-know-who".

Then one day, I don't know who noticed it first, but somehow we discovered that our roof had stopped working properly. It was fortunate that it was during the day that we noticed, as that night we were expecting company, and there was also rain forecasted. I sent my husband up to check the roof valves and levers, but he came down shaking his head. I've been with him long enough to know what that means, so we packed up our things and headed for South America, to begin anew.

Within a few days our new roof was built, and she was a beauty, flat as you could ever want and almost sure to scare away any mean old precipitation that didn't know any better. The walls and floors were being planned too. But then, one night, as we were sacrificing a small Indian girl to our new roof, we heard a knock on our non-existant door. Puzzled, our son ran to open it, and came back screaming.

It was the company! They followed us! I stared at my husband in horror, and he just gave me that look. You know, the "hon, our new roof hasn't had a trial run against rain forest precipitation, and I'm not sure it can take it... we're not ready for company" look. I nodded grimly and by dawn the next day we were in the Sahara and building a new roof out of sand.

This newer roof was sure to be a winner. We gathered only the best sand we could find, and wove the strands together, to make it strong and dry. That night, under the safety and shelter of our roof, a pack of wild dogs came and attacked us. They were sure ferocious! But our roof held, and although we lost two of the kids, we were safe. This time, I gave my husband the look, the look of love and admiration, for our roof.


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