YIP Index


by Totenbuch Christ

"Where is your little friend today," the teacher asked. She was speaking of the tiny little insect that followed me around every day. The insect's name was Rep.

"Rep's at home," I said. He was.

"Is he sick," the teacher asked.

"Only of you," I replied, for this was the truth, and though it was rather rude, Rep had always taught me to tell the truth. He wouldn't have wanted me to make up a story about some dire illness.

The teacher laughted lightly, though a little uneasily.

"Rep won't be coming back to class until you die," I said to the teacher. This shocked her and she didn't say anything.

This was exactly what Rep had told me. Then to my astonishment I saw him. It was Rep. He was behind the teacher.

Why had he returned when he said he would never?

The teacher said something to me. I did not hear her for I was concentrating on Rep. He had am iron rod in his hand and was sneaking up behind the teacher.

"Rep's going to kill you," I said. I pointed. The teacher scolded me; the rod raised.

"Look out," I screamed. It was too late, her head bounced off the floor and her brains flew into the wall with a splat.

"Why Rep," I said. "Why?"

Rep didn't answer. He was staring at me. Why was he staring at me like that? His eyes revealed his thoughts. He thought that I was a traitor.

What was wrong with Rep? Why had he suddenly snapped like this?

I ran from the room crying, called out for help.

It arrived and soon everything was over.

Rep had lost his grip on reality. He wasn't a bad bug. He really wasn't.

Is there no justice?

YIP Index