YIP Index

As many uses for post-its as I can think of.

  1. To remove zits
  2. As cheap wall-paper
  3. To remove unwanted body hair
  4. As curtains
  5. To remove unwanted pubic hair
  6. Clothing
  7. To create very small models of big things.
  8. To remove unwanted nose hair
  9. A cheap form of abortion
  10. A contra-ceptive
  11. Self adhesive condom
  12. To re-cycle
  13. Poop and scoop
  14. Clean your llamas' cage
  15. Decorations
  16. Score cards for a quishel turne
  17. To put on your screen so you can't read it
  18. To catch bugs with
  19. Postage stamps
  20. Wow!! Can I really think of more than twenty?
  21. Disk labels
  22. Inner Soles
  23. Toillet paper
  24. Snot rags
  25. Pool covers
  26. Carpets
  27. Car mats
  28. Duvets
  29. To make giant checker boards
  30. Sun glasses
  31. Monopoly money
  32. Mud gards
  33. Llama clothing
  34. Fuish nets
  35. An idea to keep the Sol and Marcel story going
  36. Art
  37. Tire chains
  38. Bike repair kits
  39. Shoe horns
  40. Drums
  41. As a replacement for loose-leaf
  42. Dust covers
  43. Phlegm holders
  44. Cum catcher
  45. Imitation binders
  46. For sexual arrousement
  47. Paper cuts
  48. Tables
  49. To make stupid lists
  50. TO POST STUFF!!!!

YIP Index