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Neo-Jesus' Continuing Adventures Beyond The Tomb

by Milky Puppy

Neo-Jesus was REALLY bored. He'd been bored before, but this was it. This was the most boring day of his life. Neo-Jesus walked into a movie theatre. "I'm here for action," he screamed gallantly to the peasantry. Neo-Jesus grinned, mightily.

A large but docile peasant came up to Neo-Jesus and proposed that Neo-Jesus shut up.

Neo-Jesus became pensant. "Hmm", he mused aloud, "Nay."

The peasant took out a very large yet sharp knife. Neo-Jesus perspired like a vacationing plant.

"Er, I am Neo-Jesus", he said in his defense.

"As much as I admire your taste in velvet", the docile peasant replied, "I have obligations to the Khhhaaaall."

"Who are the Khhhaaaall?", Neo-Jesus inquired inquiringly.

"My people", the large YET docile peasant casually informed the Neo-Jeezish One.

"I see", murmured Neo-Jesus hostilely.

Then, the peasant died, and the story ended in sudden anticlimax.

(boring but true...)

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