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The Naughty Elk

by Milky

The other elk stood in the field, eating grass happily. The naughty elk lurked in the bushes. The naughty elk then charged into the middle of the field.

"Oh you naughty elk, you surprised us!" said the elder elk.

"Yes, I know, I am sorry," said the naughty elk and returned to the forest.

Later in the evening, the elk wandered down to the stream for a drink and a bit of a swim. They happily galloped about in the cool stream as they sipped and splashed the water.

Suddenly, the naughty elk jumped out from behind some trees!

"Oh you naughty elk, you surprised us!" said the elder elk. "Don't do that again!"

"I will not. I am sorry," said the naughty elk, wandering off into the night.

As the elk slept that night, crouching gently in the field, the naughty elk ran in and jumped on them, waking them up.

"Oh you naugh.." began the elder elk, but the naughty elk's hard metal blade slit his throat before he could continue. The naughty elk proceeded to gut and skin all the elk in the tribe, all the while cackiling evilly.

The naughty elk sewed the elk skins together in a lovely fashion which made them appear like a three-piece suit. He then drove in to the city. He solicited a hooker, whom he then slaughtered and sodomized. He repeated this proceedure with young boys and girls and farm animals and inanimate objects. He smiled as his teeth dripped the blood of his victims.

He then drove to the air defense base and managed to get through security and launch nuclear missiles towards every major city in the world, thus causing complete nuclear war and a nuclear winter which destroyed life on Earth, which, incidentally, turned out to be the only life in the universe.

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