YIP Index

In the 45 days before man existed, the mongoats ruled the plains. There were seven mongoats. They knew not how they had become, nor did they care. For the first 3 days of their existance, the mongoats basically sat around and wondered about everything. Existance was very confusing for them all.

On the fourth day, one of the mongoats began to wander to the north. He encountered waterfalls. The mongoat was puzzled. He bent down and had a drink of water. It tasted good. The goat decided to go for a bit of a swim. He carefully waded out to the middle of the water and began to stroke his various legs in a circular motion. The mongoat couldn't help but notice he was swiftly flowing along. He also noticed as he fell off a large waterfall and exploded on the rocks below.

On the sixth day, the second mongoat left and decided to walk to the south. He encountered a large rock. He at first tried to pick up the rock. It was too large. He then tried jumping off the rock and flying. Unfortunately, he had no wings, and died on the hard ground below.

On the ninth day, the third mongoat left and decided to walk to the east. He encountered large fields of tar. He carefully bent over and drank a little. It was not very good. The mongoat began to feel quite ill, and decided to lay down. Sadly, he laid down in the tar, and sank to the bottom and suffocated.

On the twentieth day, the fourth mongoat decided to leave and he began to gallop off to the west. He quickly encountered water, and swam out into it. He swam out further and further. And further. And further! He turned around in all directions, but alas, there was no land whatsoever. The mongoat quickly lost hope and energy, and sank to the bottom of the ocean.

On the twenty-eighth day, the fifth mongoat wandered over to the sixth. He bit into the sixth mongoat very hard, and then proceeded to eat him whole. The sixth mongoat was still very confused, and did not react.

On the thirty-seventh day, the fifth mongoat died. The seventh mongoat was the only mongoat remaining. He sat around for the next 8 days. Then, he exploded. That evening, man arrived.

I think you know the moral.

YIP Index