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"The Messiah"

From the beginning, Brian's life hadn't been normal. When teachers asked him the question "..and what do you want to be when you grow up, Brian?" he wouldn't answer the normal policeman, fireman, or astronaut that other children answered. He would say "The messiah."

Everyone thought this was a little strange, but still, they passed it off as a childhood fancy. There were a few children that liked to say silly things. Some said they wanted to be garbage men, or lab rats, Brian just happened to want to be the messiah. They ignored it.

When Brian came close to finishing high school he was asked again. This time by the school guidance counselor when they were trying to decide where Brian should attend university. "So Brian. What'll it be? You have to choose your profession before university or you won't know what to take. So what do you want to be?"

"The messiah." That was all he said.

The guidance counselor just laughed. "That's funny..a messiah. Hey, perhaps you could be a comedian."

"Not A messiah. THE messiah."

The guidance counselor just looked at him. "No but seriously Brian, we have to make a choice."

"I've already made my choice. I just told you." And he left.

Needless to say, Brian's parents got a phone call that day from a certain guidance counselor. They were quite worried that Brian had not grown out of his 'messiah phase' as they had called it when he was younger. They decided it was time to have a serious talk with him.

"Now Brian, this messiah thing has just got to stop. What is your obsession with this anyway? Why do you want to be the messiah?" They had learned at an earlier age that he wanted to be THE messiah, not just any old run-of-the-mill messiah.

"People listen to messiahs. I want people to listen to me, do what I say. I want to have control over people's lives and live like a king. I suppose it's a power thing."

That's when his parents suggested he enter politics. They also pointed out that he would have better luck if he kept this messiah thing to himself. He said he would try.

So Brian finished up his last year of high school taking politics and law, and then entered university to study it further. He was motivated by a goal, so he did well enough to get by, though he wasn't particularly smart. His whole life had been spent with a single thought, being a leader and holding power, so he had ignored other things that may have improved his intellect.

After university he had to take odd jobs to pay the bills. He resented this because he felt that the messiah should not have to pay anyone, however he vowed to make people pay later on. "Let them feel the wrath of scorning the messiah," he thought to himself. For a while he drove trucks, and for an even longer time he did some sewage work. The latter was hard for him to quit, as he had a very strange feeling that this work was somehow 'right' for him. However, he quickly admonished himself for doing manual labour and got back on the political track.

He moved quickly through the lower ranks of politics, knowing that this wasn't for him. He had to get to the position he was meant for, which was leader. He decided early on in his professional career that he would just have to do whatever it took to get to his desired position. Even if it meant he had to lie, blackmail or take bribes. After all, he was the messiah, and no one should be in his way in the first place. He had a right to do whatever he had to so that he could take his rightful position. It was only fair, and he would be surprised if people didn't thank him for it later. In actual fact, he was quite blind to what the people wanted, though he didn't particularly care. They were only peasants and children in comparison to him, and their needs weren't worth looking into. He had people hired to find that out and write his speeches. "Whatever it takes, is what it takes. When the power is mine, that is when I can take control. For now, I'll let them think I care. In fact, I'll tell them I do."

And so it went until he finally got what he had been longing. "Here I am. The messiah. Finally I have the power I deserve." He said this to his aids the day he won the election.

"Sir? I don't think I quite caught that?"

"I said that I'm finally where I belong. The true power is finally mine. I am the messiah. At long last I can rule my kingdom and world the way it should be run."

The aids looked at him strangely, but ignored it. They thought it was a joke. "Perhaps you should keep that to yourself, sir. It probably wouldn't go over too well. Not yet at least." It was said with a smile. It was meant as a reply to what was thought of as jest. It was taken quite seriously.

Brian ruled by whim. He didn't remember what he had promised, and he really didn't care. He did what he wanted because he could. He didn't have to pay taxes, but everyone else did. He raised them and instituted new ones as an attempt to repay what he had lost when he was 'taxable'. He paid no heed to the fact that the people just didn't have enough money. After a while, he didn't even notice that he only ruled one country. In his mind he ruled the world. In his mind the people loved him. In his mind the country wasn't falling apart, but prospering.

After a few years he would be seen walking around in a daze yelling "I am THE MESSIAH." That is when his aids realized they should have paid more attention back when he had been first elected. That was when the people realized the monster they had put in power. That was when his parents decided that perhaps they should have only had the one child.

By then, of course, it was too late.

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