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by Persephone

Fred was a piece of lego, he was capable of glowing-in-the-dark. When Fred was little, the rest of his box was put in a space capsule and sent off to Jupiter. It was the little boy's punishment that Fred stay on Earth.

One day, a long time ago there was a little boy, his name was Hugh, he was playing with lego. Hughs trying to build a huge glow-in-the-dark kumquat, and he was so close to getting it finished. There was only one piece left to put in, that just happened to be Fred.

Now Fred thought that the idea of building a kumquat was utterly stupid, so he refused to let Hugh pick him up. In addition to being able to glow-in-the-dark, he could also stick himself to any surface. This came in handy at this instance. So he stuck himself to the paper mache telephone that he just happened to be resting on. Hugh called in his father to help pry Fred off of the telephone, but to no avail. Fred was stuck on there like the juice of a pear sticks to you chin, and also your abdomen.

So when the day came for Hugh and his family to move to Jupiter, and when Sue asked about the little block of lego attached to the telephone, she was told to shut up and leave it alone. Hugh was still very angry that he didn't get to finish his kumquat, even though the incident had happened several years ago.

That is how Fred was left on Earth. So since Fred was different, no one liked him. He then decided to blow up, and take the whole world with him. This just happened to be another one of his capabilities. Kaboom!

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