YIP Index


by Persephone

It was a beautiful day, at least it was until it blew up. Yes, the beautiful day blew up. There was nothing theyuld do about it, it just blew up. There were no remains, only a big whole in the Earth. After all, it was only day on half of the Earth, on the other half it was night. These were the lucky people, for they were the ones who were not harmed. In darkness they were safe. They cowered in the darkness, fearing that the day would come and they too would blow up. But in order for them to blow up it had to at least be a nice day. From that day forward they vowed never to have a beautiful day. Every night they would start hundreds of fires, polluting the atmosphere and making it so the sun could not shine through the clouds of smoke. For fun they would sometimes get out the machine and brighten the place up a bit. The machine was a huge flare gun that they brought out only on special occasions. It would brighten up the place at night makg it so they had beautiful nights instead of days. It was only the days that were cursed, so they had nothing to fear. Or so they thought. But little did they know that on the other side of the Earth, the side that had blown up there was a little man. Now this man was very sinister and he liked to do cruel things to people. So, one day the little man, who was called Jake went and dressed up as a scarecrow and stood on the International Date Line. This act confused a lot of people, and caused them to be very distraught. Yet, there he stood, just standing there and of course singing Hallelujhai for that was his way. I mean if you ever knanything about Jake, it was the fact that he went around singing Hallelujhai. He was renown also for his singing of `O Holy Night'. At least on his side of the world, until he decided to blow it up that is. You see, Jake could not stand to have beautiful days happen and him not be a part of them, this was the case on that final day. Jake had had trouble sleeping for a while so he finally got to sleep and when he woke up it was very late, and he had missed a large part of the beautiful day. He decided that because of this fact he would blow up the day, and sure enough he did. So here he was on the Date Line, just standing around whilst the populace ga at him. They had done their best to make it a terrible day but unfortunately they had failed. So in a flash of the eye Jake had gone and blown up the day again. However there were still a few places that were not touched by Jake's explosion. Of course, also true to his word Jake was still alive and unharmed by any of his explosions. So Jake's plan was to continue until all of the Earth was blown up. Of course the same reason applied for all of the Earth. It would just take a little time. So Jake journeyed on and continued to blow up the day just like he had planned. Until there was nothing left except his own house and then he went inside. Then on a beiful spring morning he touched a button on the side of his living room chair and accidentally blew himself up. He was said to have been heard singing Hallelujhai the whole time. No one know who could have said such a thing for he had supposedly blew up the whole Earth in his quest to blow up the day.

YIP Index