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The Dark House... OF FEAR

by STiK

The sky, moon obscurred by dark clouds, was itself very dark. The dark leaves on the dark trees rustled in the breeze, the dark, dark breeze. Everything seemed dark. It was night.

Fifteen of me this eve had assembled on the path. The path that led up to the old mansion on the hill. How there got to be fifteen of me is a story in itself, but sort of like how movie stars have stunt doubles, imagine that these people were my doubles. But they were actually me.

The dark old house is what brought me to this dark path on such a dark night--but I don't know why. Maybe I'm a real estate agent, or a renovator. Maybe it's symbolic. I'm hungry, and the house represents food. That's probably it. My lips did a figure eight in anticipation, as I started towards the old mansion.

The path led right up to the front doors, of which one was splintered at the hinges and lying askew. The other one was dark. The house was in terrible disrepair.

"I'm just going to peek inside..." I said to myself with fifteen equal voices.

I entered the building with the most cautious running jump the fifteen of me could muster. I landed warily on my face, in a long, dark hall. Then I noticed that I wasn't alone.

"What the...?" was all I could manage out of my fear stricken mouth. Something dark, something terrible, was on the floor in front of my face. Three of me imploded into furious balls of terrified blood as questions raced through my mind: Should I run forward, or back out the door? How do girls pee? What is sine good for, again?

I decided that getting up would have priority, but it seemed that in the blink of an eye, this thing on the floor had managed to surround me. I looked to the door, and saw that it was too late. It had already covered all the floor between me and my precious exit! I was at it's mercy.

"Wait, it's just carpet," I said, as if in a dream.

The three bloody balls that had been me rolled around in mirth, while I sat there giggling at my own silliness. After a while, I realized that I would have to move on. I tried to comfort the bloody balls, but there wasn't much I could do. No sense weeping over myself. I continued forward, alone, except for the other eleven me.

Passing two doorways, the end of the hall opened up, like corn poppin'. A great staircase rose from the floor, twisted around and touched the upper story of the house. It demanded that I ascend. I argued, but it was no use. I soon found myself at the top of the stairs, facing another dark hall, like the one immediately below it.

That another one of me would melt into a pool of blood was the last thing on my mind as I looked down the dark corridor. Yet that is just what happened, as my gaze fell on fear itself--a dark and sinister shadow, steadily approaching.

It seemed to grow in proportion to my apprehension. I babbled in utter panic. The apparition continued, taking no heed of my babble. Such evil! Such babble! Such darkness!

"Wait, it's just a bug, casting a long shadow," I said, my voice dreamlike.

The pool of blood that had been me bubbled with embarassment. I sat there for what seemed like days chuckling at my foolishness. I patted my pool of blood, and prepared to move on.

"THERE'S SOMETHING BEHIND IT!" I screamed, suddenly alert. Terrified, four of me exploded, blood splashing all over.

I hadn't noticed before, but all along there was a large man standing in the hall, behind the bug, watching us like some kind of Watchin' Man. A lack of noise, and maybe some silence, descended. Weeks passed.

"How do girls pee?" He said, breaking the silence at long last.

I found myself immediately comfortable with this stranger. There was nothing threatening here.

"Though I have thought long about that, I have no answer," I offered, "however, should I ever find out, I promise I will return to tell you."

"Your hearts are true, I shall show you the way free of this place." the man stated. He vanished as the room began to shimmer.

Abruptly I found myself and the six remaining me on the path outside the house. The ordeal was over, and I decided with resolve to find out how girls pee, and return as I promised.

But then this ghost or skeleton or something came with fangs and rotting flesh and maybe more and killed me.

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