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The Fred Trilogy Part Un

By Nitro

Fred was a happy man. When he was born he was not very old. But Fred was not a happy happy man. He knew full well that Elivis was and always will be alive. He was a mammal. He was female. He was Fred. But how often had he heard this before? His gold fish was in heat so he though it would be better if he got home. Were there really cars on the street or was he just dreaming. A look of agony passed over his face, luckly it kept going and landed somewhere around 317, 79621, 13263.123798944546792255 centimiles north-south-west-east of the northern south pole. How long had this been going on. Fred(e) set out to acomplish this feat. But then he said "A Blue fly lands only if the sky is purple and the ocean is at sea level and the pink sunglasses are in the fluorescent black power binder and the ground isn't" So he figured "Why not?" But then he said "Why?" and an argument ensued. he quickly lost all sight of reality and became a vegetable.

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