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Eunice and the incident at the house

by Persephone

Out in the backyard there was a rather large tombstone, here beside it sits Eunice.

"I remember the way you used to lay your head on my shoulder, I fear that you will never do this again. In fact I think that is most likey unless I was to dig you up from the grave in which you lie. But even then it would not be quite the same, seeing as how you were burned, and we have no real guarantee which grain of ash is your head. To tell the truth we have no guarantee that it is even your body in that little container which cost an arm and a leg, and some more body parts mixed at least for you. HAHAHA, it is so good to laugh again, I have not laughed this hard since your funeral, hiring that marching band of majorettes sure was a good idea, that and the sunshine boys. You really threw me for a loop. For a few seconds I doubted your masculinity, then I was reassured when I saw you once again, before they threw you into the fire. I mean, you were so ugly, not even a man would sleep with you. But let's not get into the personal stuff, I miss you. I miss the way you always smelled of a clove of garlic. It was a very distinct smell, no less than a clove and certainly no more. Oh well, I digress, but not so much as want to tear your grave apart, never fear your secret is safe with me. I will miss you forever, Peter.

After this touching scene she runs into the house, where she meets her mother.

Mother - What were you doing my child?
Eunice - I was out at the grave.
Mother - Don't you think you should get on with your life.
Eunice - Why?
Mother - He was just a rabbit, we can get another.
Eunice - But you don't understand, mother. Peter and I had a
special bond, that of true love.
Mother - I can't bear to see you suffer so, my child.

As this conversation takes place, Mother takes a huge cleaver out of the drawer and after her last line begins to hack the shit out of Eunice with it.

Eunice - But why mother, why must you hack me so.
Mother - That rabbit made your father cheat on me. He enticed him so, with those majorettes, and I cannot bear to see the same thing happen to you. That is why I must kill you. I am so very sorry my child, forgive me.
Eunice - Everything you say is true, I saw it all but was afraid to tell, for what it might do to you, kill me with a clear conscience mother.
Mother - I will my child.

Mother continues to hack Eunice apart until she is nothing but a pile of flesh on the floor in front of her. She then proceeds to put her in the pot of soup on the stove. While she is doing this she says, "Just the right seasoning to make my soup extra yummy."

The End

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