YIP Index

April Editorial

When the readers of YIP ask me a question, it usually has absolutely nothing to do with the magazine, as most readers of YIP haven't the slightest clue who the hell I am. However, if they did know who I was, I'm sure they'd say something about our editorial views and opinions (After, of course, telling me how much they love the magazine and how they masturbate nightly to my many "Jesus" comics). For some odd reason, people tend to think of our type of humour as "offensive" or "off-colour" or "a complete waste of perfectly good photocopy paper that could have been used to print a nice anti-nuke pamphlet" or "It's so unfunny that I wouldn't wipe my ass with the cover if you paid me a million dollars in pennies" (Although that one seems unlikely to be asked, it seems the most popular comment yet) or "I'll tell my priest on you", and variations thereof. They think that we shouldn't find humour in the things that we do, and therefore should stop immediately. My response to this type of comment would usually be, "That's nice. Some more tongue, sir/madame?"

We like suggestions, especially ones that may benefit the magazine. However, editorial discression is used to eliminate those ideas and thoughts contrary to our own beliefs. To clarify - we don't really care what you think about our type of humour. You'll find this attitude fairly common in the world, and therefore you should get acustomed to it. We find what we do exceedingly funny and have every intention of continuing along the same line, even if it offends. In fact, we hope it offends. Here's proof - Jesus, HA HA HA! Have a nice day.

YIP Index