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by Persephone

There once was a day, now it was a cool day. It was 12 degrees Celsius, now I have no idea if that is cool or not. But then it really doesn't matter for the moment. I mean if it was to matter then it would have been more precise and I would have taken the time to find out if that particular temperature was cool. But anyways, we will now adjourn, so as to continue along the story line.

Okay then, this cool day was going about it's merry way, when all of a sudden this frog jumped out of the surrounding shrubbery and exclaimed, "Let me go, you cruel day." Now the day had no idea what the frog was talking about, so he replied, "Ahd be the day, no have you." The day's english was not that good since he had been forced to drop out of grad school. His parents were having difficulty producing temperatures, particularly the warm temperatures. So Day was forced to help them. Unfortunately it didn't seem to work and he was out of school a great deal longer then he had hoped.

So it became time for Day to return to school. His parents had managed to regulate themselves, they were having regular cycles, so all was well. Day was at school, this fine day, seeing as how he had been gone such a long time, he had grown overcast. All of the little boys and girls teased Day. They said he was too dark, and he should lighten up a bit. But Day was unable to do anything about his condition, it was his parents fault, they had worked him too hard. Now he was losing his energy, he wasn't as bright as he had been, and he was getting shorter too.

So day was walking home from school one day when night came upon him. There was a horrific battle. You see, Night and Day were brothers and they fought most terribly. They were always trying to take one another over. Night was very mad at Day, for Day was the one who got to stay home from school to help their parents. Also most people tended to sleep through Night, which meant that Night was neglected. Whereas you would hear all sorts of people rave about Day. Saying, "Oh what a lovely day this is."

Anyways, Night managed to overcome Day and steal an hour of Day's light. This made the parents very mad, thus they proclaimed that it would get very cold, and Night would suffer the wrath of the snow. The fact that Night hadn't any access to a pair of longjohns, made this punishment even crueler.

So night came, and night was very cold, but there was nothing Night could do, for it was to be this way. After a long time of this, night became warmer, and out of the kindness of his heart decided to give day back his hour. And it was so, the parents were so happy that they cried, and it rained all over the earth, causing the flowers to grow. And Day was not overcast anymore, instead he would bounce and be joyful, and no one ever told him to lighten up again.

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