YIP Index

Cindy with the seeing eyes

By Persephone

There once was a little girl, her name was Cindy. Now Cindy was a strange little girl for she only could see in the dark. If it was light, Cindy was unable to see. Now this troubled her parents for they were good seeing people. Her predicament made it very difficult for Cindy to go to school. Thus she was unable to learn anything. Due to the fact that she could only see in complete darkness, no one was able to teach. They couldn't see what they were doing. Thus Cindy continued her life uneducated. She could read though, so she read all f the books in the library. Even the ones that she wasn't supposed to. After all her parents couldn't see that she was reading Mein Kampf at the age of 3. They did not turn on the lights to see what she was reading for they couldn't stand to see their child blind. Sometimes she would read them bedtime stories. This was easy for her to do since it was dark when they went to bed and they loved to spend all the time they had with her. They even got to the point where they would stay up all night, just to be with her. However, their jobs suffered for this reason. They worked during the day and were only able to hear their child at night. Thus they had to choose between their jobs and their poor little girl. Due to this they made the decision to move to the Yukon. There Cindy could flourish, and they were able to work during the night. Thus they were able to spend some time with Cindy and some time working. So they were still able to make money, thus they were all happy. Until that fateful day. The day when Cindy came of age and returned to be a healthy young girl. One who could see both during the day and during the night. Of course she could see better during the day, because she was a regular girl. Unfortunately this threw her parents right off. They died instantaneously in a fit of hysteria, screaming something about the eggs on the stove running out of water.

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