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An Attempt at a Nice Christmas Story

by The FInn

Yes. It was Christmas. The holiday in which we celebrate the birth of a false messiah and pretend we like everyone on Earth. The time to "give" instead of "receive", unlike the rest of the year. Ya, right.

So, picture a nondescript little family. A family like every other fucking family on Earth. Sitting in their cozy little palace of a suburban home, not a thought for the poor, lonely man sitting in his apartment unwrapping his own gift, or perhaps a package of razorblades.

The children, in the giving spirit of things, run downstairs early in the morning and shake the tackily wrapped boxes. The parents sleep in, torturing their young with restless anticipation.

"Say thank you," one parent stands over his child, who in turn, stands of a package of underwear. Blue underwear. And he says it just loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"Thank you." Grandpa drools with complete and total pleasure, but probably at the prospect of cheap imaginary whores rather then Tommy's false sentiments. Grandpa's present was bought by Tommy's mother, since Grandpa hasn't moved his eyeballs in over a year, but it's the thought that counts.

Father gets five pairs of socks and six ties. Eleven times he acts surprised and beams over the gifts like he likes them or something.

Mother gets presents that will help her present herself to males in a more pleasing manner, such as perfume and makeup. So, her gifts aren't REALLY for her, but she acts like she loves them as their own. She acts like she doesn't actually want a bottle of Silent Sam and a half-hour with a large black man. She acts like she isn't wondering "Do I smell or look bad??"

So, thus ends another Christmas, with the children hugging their new toys, like they won't be forgotten lumps of plastic in the closet a week later, with everyone running to the K-mart to exchange all their shitty gifts, and with the parents cleaning wrapping paper from the floor, wondering how the hell they're going to pay for all this, and the brainwashing, money-grubbing executives, laughing and laughing and laughing at you shmucks.

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