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by Highway Robber

Candles. What a perfect allegory for life. I mean, candles come in all sorts of shapes and sizes; so do people. Candles burn out; so do people. Candles burn out faster when you burn both ends of them. Woweewowowow! People do, too! Candles are generally higher than they are wide. Eh? Aren't people? Candles build civilizations that collapse after about 2000 years or so (with the exception of Chinese candles, which seem to last forever); if you replaced the word "candle" in that sentence with the word "people", you'd be right! Both candles and people eat and excrete. Both need to breathe. And when was the last time you saw a candle that didn't brush it's little wax teeth at least once every few days, if not more? Both love FREEDOM! And the American Way and Apple Pie! Both hate communism! Both fight wars and have unstable war-based economies and live for money! Money! MONEY! ! !

You know what I mean. Candles. People. Be nice to 'em.

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