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The Blindest Guy

by STiK

There was this guy, and boy!, could he not see.

To say this man is merely blind is to insult him. To guess that he lives in darkness is a foolish thing. For if only the strongest man is fit to rule over the strong, then this man is more than fit, if strength were measured in sightlessness. Which it should be... More about that when you're older.

He is so blind that people around him become blind. They're the fortunate ones. I really don't want to tell you what happens to their families and dogs.

He had been this way since birth, during which his mother and all the operating room staff went blind. Of course, everything turned out OKAY!!

Well, actually, not EVERYTHING. Everyone in the hospital that he was born in, regardless whether they were on the third floor or the sixth, began to itch all over. They itch to this day, even those IN THEIR GRAVES. Some call it a terrible curse. I think of it more as an attestment to his power, to his will, to his blindness.

Scientists have tried to determine how blind this man is. There is no scale to measure his condition against though, and usually the scientists end up blind. Their conclusion: He is blind enough, dammit.

There has only been one person who has not been affected by his blindness. By some coincedence, this person has her own affliction of extreme proportions. She was known in some parts as The Deafest Woman.

She was the first person who didn't scream and fall to her knees and clutch at her eyes when he approached her, and when she got close to him he didn't go all wide-eyed and grasp at his ears. It was love.

Soon, she was known in those other parts as The Most Pregnant Woman. And their son too became famous, for being The Most Stillborn Baby--EVER.

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