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The Asian Black Party or The Origins of Mogue

by Finn and Milky

It was the seventeenth anniversary of the colour black's existance, and the people of Asia wanted to throw a little get together. Black had served them very well as a hair colour all their lives.

The problem was deciding which province to hold the affair in. Nepal argued that Nepal was a wise choice, as it bordered both India and China. China argued that it bordered India, and it WAS China. India said, "Hey!". The U.S.S.R. voted for itself, because that's just its style. Pakistan mentioned that black rhymed with Pak(istan). Iraq claimed the same thing. Israel claimed it was allied with the U.S.A., and would order nuclear assault on Black if it wasn't held in Israel. Germany claimed it wasn't even IN Asia. Sri Lanka mentioned that it's inhabitants were practically black anyhow, so who cared. They also mentioned they had a really weird name. Turkey was excluded from the honour because, well, they're evil. Esmerelda said "Stop fighting!" Japan won by buying out the judges.

Black came down, and went to Japan. There was a fiesta, until a visiting Spanish agent pointed out that it was a violation of trademark. Then they all sat around and made cars and electronics and stuff. Black was really unhappy, so it left. Black jumped into the ocean. "Help! I can't swim!" called Black to all the other colours, but alas, they were racists. So Black died. The Asians suddenly found that their hair was invisible. The Africans experienced the same problem, as well as their skin. Books became hard-to-read, blackboards impossible. The people of the world cried up to the God of colours and cried for a replacement colour. The Colour God saw his big chance. "Granted," he cried from the sky, "your new colour is called MOGUE." Suddenly, the Asians had mogue hair. "What a stupid colour," remarked one individual.

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