YIP Index


by Milky Puppy

Anarchy crept across the land. As the villagers slept quietly in their seemingly impregnable huts, the anarchy would pour in through the windows they had left open in order to admit a cool breeze. What they got was far less orderly than a cool breeze.

The anarchy oozed into each dwelling, slowly corrupting the working order of everything. The children and their parents were made equals. The pets were no longer subservient to their masters. The animate and the inanimate were as one. The distinctions between gas, liquid and solid slowly disappeared, until all traces of hierarchy had gone. The atoms themselves revolted against their controlling nuclei, until everything disintegrated and fell apart into equal matter.

The anarchy rolled on, destroying everything, leaving clumps of dust in its wake. It swerved anarchistically in all directions, following no course, simply flowing according to its own whim, without goal or purpose. When a city got in its way, the city was reduced to ruin, then to rubble, then to nonexistance.

The wind attempted to blow the anarchy, but it too crumbled to the overwhelming tide of disorder. The anarchy stretched up to the skies, demolishing the gaseous atoms of the atmosphere, until no atoms rested on top of any other atoms. The stratosphere was no longer allowed to oppress the troposphere and so on.

On land, the anarchy spread across the plains, laying waste to all matter unfortunate enough to lie in its twisted, random path. The anarchy swirled north, west, south, now so powerful it did not need to ignore national boundaries. Quickly it passed from one country to the next, each time demolishing all existing physical and social structures. Soon the directions themselves ceased to be of any meaning. Colour was the next to be rendered simply a token label, as no colours could be told apart from any others. Space and time were so drastically altered that no one could tell the difference between the two. The entire concept of 'opposites' disappeared, followed by the entire concept of concepts. Soon, there was nothing but anarchy, in all realms of what had once been the universe.


YIP Index